Friday 14 December 2012

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Program Review - 2013

The human body is a sophisticated device that can effectively manage power. Under current conditions choose the best energy source for its operation. If they feel that they lack sufficient calories, reduces their consumption. Thus, the better chance that it will not significantly interfere forced their fat reserves. This is a fundamental problem of the reduction processes, which are based purely on the reduction of energy intake. It's a dead end to nowhere. By reducing income and output Lavena gradually arrive at a resting rate of decline in consumption - then we are forced to maintain weight and eat less than they did before the weight-loss diet and in addition, in the absence of intense physical activity, there is a loss of lean body mass - muscle. Muscles are major consumers of energy, even when they are at rest. What situations arise, however, where fibers of skeletal muscle forced to work?

Generally, the unloaded muscle is used as a main power source fatty acids from fat. However, if we start training, swim, skate ... burn the fat  need more energy faster delivery than in dormancy. Fats, however, can not meet this requirement. Fat is too slow. At this point, focus on stressed muscles sugars-carbohydrates. He likens it to gasoline and diesel. Carbohydrates (glucose), like gasoline, are much faster and more dynamic source of energy than the quiet and slow or fats. diesel. The diesel engine is worth a longer relaxing transportation, but Benz is more suitable for shorter-term, more "aggressive" driving.

Athlete, or a person accustomed to regular strenuous physical activity, places much greater demands on carbohydrates as an energy source. During exercise, or any intense activity, the body uses the "fast" calories from carbohydrates. In resting conditions or during low activity, in which so much fitness not rise significantly and heart rate, "going in fat". Carbohydrate stores are very poor, they will last us for a short time. But the fat and lean individuals have always had plenty of energy. Body stressed demanding, long-term and often repetitive physical activity removes large amounts of storage forms of carbohydrates stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver. Because he knows that this limited power source will need it again for the next demanding physical work, learn in resting conditions, even when moving at a lower intensity, more use of fats. See the example in the article bicycle ride. That's exactly what we aim for weight reduction - burn in increased fat reserves. Trained people are far better for burning fat and much less risk of being fat.

Each person has a chance suitably chosen, regular physical activity gradually teach the body to burn fat. Unfortunately, we do not get this ability within 1-2 weeks. The method of obtaining energy, the nature of metabolism varies gradually and over a longer period of time. During the half year to year, regular physical activity, we can feel each other clear changes. However, when we cease to increased loads, gradually returning everything back. This indicates that, as for one month with practice, it will lose in one week ... learn the body to burn fat lasts 4x longer than lose this ability.